How Much Does Pipe Relining Cost?

If you’re wondering how much pipe relining costs, the logical way to price stormwater and sewer pipe relining is on a per-metre basis. One of the reasons for that is customers prefer per-metre pipe lining costs for comparison purposes. So expect to pay between $400-$700 per linear metre for domestic sewer and drain repairs.

If you get a comparable pipe relining quote from your plumber or another pipe relining company, we will always negotiate to give you the best value and most cost effective solution possible.

Whilst it does make sense to look at metres, there are many other factors to consider. We explore these factors in the Cost Factors tab.

Cost per metre is how we form the basis for pipe relining cost, but we also have a minimum charge in place for smaller pipe reline jobs when setting up our equipment is taken into account. We apply a minimum inversion price for pipe repairs in Sydney along shorter sections as it takes our technicians a couple of hours to set up their equipment, no matter how small the pipe lining repair is.

At Pipe Relining Solutions, we aim to be as transparent about quotes as possible, and we’re always willing to discuss any aspect of your pipe relining cost. We encourage you to get in touch if you’re worried about any part of the pipe reline process. We’re always happy to talk, and you can also fill out our online form to learn more – with zero obligations.

What is the cost of pipe relining based on?

The cost of pipe relining can vary based on several factors. Here are the key factors that can impact the cost:

  1. Pipe Material: The type of pipes being relined (e.g., clay, cast iron, PVC) can affect the cost, as some materials are more challenging to reline than others.
  2. Pipe Diameter: Larger-diameter pipes typically require more materials and labour, leading to higher costs.
  3. Pipe Length: The total length of pipes to be relined directly affects the cost, with longer pipes requiring more materials and time.
  4. Pipe Accessibility: The ease of access to the pipes can affect the cost. Pipes located in tight or hard-to-reach spaces may require more labour and specialised equipment, increasing the cost.
  5. Pipe Condition: The condition of the existing pipes can impact the cost. Severely damaged or corroded pipes may require additional preparation or repairs before relining, increasing the overall cost.
  6. Lining Material: The type of lining material chosen, such as epoxy resin can influence costs due to variations in material prices and installation techniques.
  7. Labour Costs: Labour costs, including the number of technicians required and their expertise, can significantly affect the overall cost.
  8. Council Permits and Regulations: Obtaining council permits and complying with local regulations may add to the project’s cost and timeline.
  9. Additional Services: If other services like sewer cleaning, inspections, or repairs are needed alongside pipe relining, these will increase the overall project cost.
  10. Project Complexity: Complex projects, such as relining pipes with multiple bends or connections, may require more advanced techniques and equipment, increasing the cost.

For The Best Pipe Relining Cost Sydney Wide, And The Highest Standards Of Service – Choose Pipe Reining Solutions And Save!

At Pipe Relining Solutions, we stand by our thorough approach to our pipe relining services. Sydney’s sewers and drains take a lot of stick; it’s a harsh environment for pipes. We know our products are durable and reliable enough to handle that, and it’s why we don’t just talk – we offer a 35-year guarantee. Pipe Relining Solutions aims to provide the best job for the lowest price every time we assess your pipe relining cost, and we’re always transparent.

We hope this page will answer some of your questions about the cost to reline sewer pipe, drain repair costs, and how we arrive at prices for pipe relining in Sydney – but, if you’d like to learn more, either fill out the online enquiry form or if you’d rather speak on the phone, give us a call.

When you come to Pipe Relining Solutions for a quote to repair a broken, cracked, or leaking pipe, we base our pricing on several different variables that vary from job to job. However, some factors are universal – and they’re usually the ones to do with pipe sizes and diameters, lengths, junctions, and bends. When it comes to pipe relining, Sydney cost estimates are based on other more city-centric factors too, like access and whether we need to excavate any areas.

One of the most significant factors in pricing your pipe reline job is the diameter of any sewer or stormwater lines that need to be repaired. As you’d expect, the larger the pipe concerned, the more resin, liner, and time we need, and the higher the cost. When the pipe is bigger, everything else is influenced by that. Materials cost more, cuts take longer, and the equipment we use needs to get bigger too. The average cost to reline sewer pipe increases with the diameter, but that’s certainly not the only factor to consider.

If you’re considering how much does drain relining cost, it also won’t come as much of a surprise to learn that the affected length directly translates to how we work out the cost to reline sewer pipe or your other waste services.

In terms of materials for trenchless pipe relining, both the diameter and length of the broken pipe influence cost significantly. However, it’s worth remembering that prices for traditional repair and reinstatement also get higher when bigger pipes need replacing along longer stretches – and can far exceed the cost of no-dig pipe repair techniques. The amount of bends in the broken pipe also affects your final cost for pipe relining. That’s because we need more liner and resin to complete the job than if we’re working on a largely straight run.

If you’re concerned about the impact of bends on your pipe relining cost, it’s probably not as bad as you think – and we offer several options to make pipe relining cost effective. You can give us a call, and we’re always happy to talk. There’s never any obligation, and you can also use the online calculator to get a ballpark idea or fill out our handy enquiry form. Reducing pipe relining cost isn’t always possible, but you can be sure that Pipe Relining Solutions will look hard to find ways to accomplish that.

Pipe relining cost is also influenced by the number of junctions. Once your new pipe lining has been installed, we must reinstate junctions and inspection points along the route. One of the biggest advantages of trenchless pipe relining is that we can leave your access points and intersections mostly intact. That means we’re reusing large parts of your sewer and drain infrastructure while reducing your costs and disruption to your property and life. To make that happen, we remove sections of the new resin pipe liner within maintenance holes and junctions. While that adds to the overall price of a pipe relining job, it’s hugely more cost-effective than excavating and reinstating your access points from scratch.

To determine a cost to reline broken sewer lines or other waste services like your stormwater drains, we take each junction into account. Using a robotic cutter is specialised work, and only our most experienced technicians are certified to do that – which impacts labour costs on each pipe reline. In addition to that, robotic cutting equipment represents a significant chunk of our expenses. Each time they get used, we must allow for wear and tear, and the ongoing servicing of these highly specialised, expensive machines.

Access into the damaged section of pipe work can be a significant factor in driving your trenchless pipe relining costs upwards. If we need to excavate to gain an access point to the broken pipe or sewer, it adds to the price. Different environmental factors can affect the cost of pipe relining too. That’s generally more the case in cities than rural areas, although not exclusively so. When we’re pricing pipe relining, Sydney and other Australian towns and cities have more scope for access problems. That’s because there are more structures, buildings are closer together, and services tend to be more densely installed underground. That can make pipe relines trickier to complete.
In terms of pipe relining cost, Sydney and other cities usually also have more multi-storey buildings than country areas. That can bring with it access challenges like stairs – meaning we spend more time lugging heavy equipment around before we can set up or finish up your pipe reline job. Clearance above access points is also important because we need a certain amount of room to locate our machines.
The other main access point factor when we’re preparing costs to reline sewer lines and drains is how far they are from the parts of your system that need to be repaired. If your access point is relatively far away from your defective section, that increases your costs. When the access point is reasonably near to the damage, however, your pipe relining costs can be reduced substantially.
Here at Pipe Relining Solutions, we’re always innovating new and better ways to reduce drain relining costs, Sydney wide. Whenever we can, we work with customers and building or site managers to find cost-effective solutions where access problems exist – and we’ll go out of our way to do that for you. If you’re concerned about access at your home or site, get in touch with our friendly team.

Risk factors are assessed when we give you a quote for a pipe relining job. The risk increases depending on what’s above the surface, and if we need to excavate if the reline doesn’t go to plan. Our technicians look to get pipe relines right every time, but the fact remains that pipe relining contractors only get one chance to do that.

When it comes to the price for pipe relining work, a lot of the risk we calculate is relative to depth. Straight mainline drain relining cost is always going to be lower than when we need to reline a floor gully section or repair a boundary trap. That’s because your floor gullies and boundary traps form some of the lowest parts of your sewage and wastewater systems – meaning they’re situated deeper in the ground. So, the potential costs – for all of us – if we need to abort a pipe reline and excavate are higher.

Relining is worth it when the cost of reinstating your property to its original condition is considered:

Because drains and wastewater pipes run below your home, and reinstatement costs can escalate rapidly. Exterior sewer pipes and drains are underground, so in the average Sydney Garden, they often run below several different hard and soft landscaping features. Digging them up can be massively disruptive – and the costs to reinstate paving, decks, lawns, and trees and plants can be massive too. In any exterior environment, the cost to reline sewer pipe and drains is far cheaper than traditional methods.

In Sydney, landscaping costs vary depending on what you want to achieve. However, even laying a lawn isn’t cheap – although it’s probably the most cost-effective option. A pallet, which holds sixty square metres of turf can cost up to $750, and then there’s ground preparation and labour. Paving costs get even higher, as does decking – which can be more than $220 per metre, and some higher-end landscaping plans can cost up to $1,000 per square metre. The average landscaper in Australia charges between $50 and $100 per hour for their services, so it’s a great idea to opt for trenchless pipe relining instead of excavation whenever you can.

Wherever you live in Sydney, pipe relining below your bathroom is far easier and cheaper than removing and reinstating the fabric of your floor and tiling. The average cost of renovating a bathroom in New South Wales is over $20,000 – but like landscaping, it depends on what you need to repair. Tiles cost between $50 and $500 per square metre – depending on what you install. You’ll pay around $45 per metre for surface preparation, and some floors need a lot of levelling work done first.

Work schedules can affect any service provider, and pipe relining technicians are no different. That’s because, in Australia, we have strict laws to protect workers, and at weekends or during unsociable hours, the cost to reline sewer pipe or your drains is higher. When that happens, we need to pay overtime rates, and unfortunately, that gets passed on to our customers.

If your pipe reline needs to take place overnight or after retail hours, that’s also going to impact a commercial pipe relining quote. When our technicians need to work overnight, regulations state they need to take a day off before and after the job too. Pipe Relining Solutions will do everything it can to minimise labour costs on your no-dig pipe repair. It’s well worth giving us a call if you’re concerned about out-of-hours service or looking for commercial pipe relining costs.

At Pipe Relining Solutions, we train our pipe relining technicians to remarkably high standards, so that becomes a factor in the final cost of work we undertake. We believe quality ultimately represents economy for our customers. In fact, over the years, we’ve seen much evidence of that, and it’s become one of our strongest values.

Sure, there are cost-based consequences connected with more training and only using higher-quality materials and equipment. Maintaining policies for deploying only experienced staff to complex pipe relining tasks also costs more. However, those consequences get significantly outweighed by the fact we achieve lower rates of excavation and aborted pipe relining jobs – so risk becomes less of a factor in the way we arrive at pipe relining costs.

When you’re considering how much does pipe relining cost, it’s useful to remember that pipe relining uses newly developed machines, materials, and technology. In Australia, it’s a relatively new field, and we can’t just send our new recruits to TAFE. Operatives need to be trained from scratch. It takes 12-18 months to reach the minimum standard we demand, and before they can work on your pipe relining unsupervised. We invest heavily and continuously in our people, and that’s apparent in the way we work. Unlike with some no-dig pipe relining contractors, Pipe Relining Solutions technicians get trained across a broad range of competences. They can handle any pipe reline task and are proficient with all the tools and equipment required to complete a wide range of functions, including:

  • Boundary trap repairs
  • Multiple bends inversion
  • Vertical shaft to board’s main inversion
  • Vertical shaft inversion
  • Satellite junction repairs
  • Patching bends

Pipe Relining Solutions staff get trained across the board, on each tool necessary to deliver full-spectrum pipe relining services. That’s one of the reasons we don’t outsource any of our labour requirements – everyone gets trained in-house. Coupled with regular training days and complemented by constant R&D in our workshops, we believe ongoing training is one of the main reasons for our continuing success. We encourage career development and maintain a company culture that promotes opportunity and rewards hard work.

Some pipe relining jobs entail specialist training. When we need to work at heights, operatives may need to top up their current licenses and qualifications. Likewise, when working in confined spaces, we have specific responsibilities to staff and our customers – and extra training may affect the cost of a pipe relining job.

Pipe Relining Solutions refuses to ever compromise on quality, and we believe that’s evident in both our reputation and standard of pipe reline work. Yet, it’s what goes on behind the scenes that customers often don’t see. We can strive to produce great results for you time after time, and invest heavily in people and training, but any pipe relining contractor is only as good as their tools – and that’s why we choose to use the best available. Our trucks are custom-made for pipe relining. It can take six months to construct one vehicle, and the cost runs into six figures – but we believe there are no shortcuts to achieving durable and reliable trenchless pipe repairs.
Trenchless pipe relining achieves some incredible cost savings. It avoids much disruption and destruction, but success rates and pipe relining costs are relative to the quality of the materials and machinery used. Trucks aside, whenever we send a crew to carry out pipe relining in Sydney, they’re travelling with hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment. Robotic cutters alone cost over $100,000 and they need to be kept immaculately maintained. Each tool only works for specific pipe diameter, and when one breaks, it gets sent to Germany to be repaired by specialists, so we need to run and maintain a couple of versions for each pipe size.

We use Brawoliner pipe reline products because they’re the best available – and the Australian Building Codes Board has Watermarked them. The Watermark Scheme was implemented in 2016 and is mandatory in Australia for plumbing and drainage products. Products get rigorously tested to ensure they comply with Australian standards.

If you’d like to learn more about how Pipe Relining Solutions maintains pipe reline standards through constant research and the use of high-quality materials and practices, please give us a call or fill out the online enquiry form. It’s why we offer a 35-year guarantee for all pipe reline work we carry out. We love talking to customers, we’re incredibly proud of our staff and training policies, and we’re always happy to discuss products, materials, and find ways to get you a lower pipe relining cost.

When you’re thinking about how much does pipe relining cost, it’s worth remembering the insurance factor. Home Builders Compensation insurance (formerly known as Home Warranty Insurance) kicks in for any job over $20,000 – and will influence the amount of your pipe relining quote in many cases. Costs for Home Warranty Insurance are based on building structure factors and value so we don’t know exactly how much it will be until the insurer invoices us – but it’s typically several hundred dollars. When you’re looking to understand pipe relining costs, it’s also helpful to consider we have additional insurance obligations such as public liability, workers compensation, and several others.

Saving Time, Saving Money – how pipe relining is revolutionising sewer and drain repair:

Pipe relines are now increasingly used in Australia and elsewhere to save time and money when repairing sewer and drain lines. Many water authorities are waking up to the benefits of pipe relining techniques, but it’s not just commercial customers and municipal bodies that are gaining huge savings.

Pipe relining cost is far cheaper and quicker than traditional excavation and reinstatement. That’s especially true when established domestic properties feature mature landscaping or heritage buildings and trees. Inside homes, drains often run below tiled and wooden kitchen and bathroom floors, the costs to repair such areas can be high, but no-dig pipe repair removes the need for damage and reinstatement.

Where pipes run below public footpaths and highways, the cost savings of a pipe reline can run into tens of thousands of dollars. With pipe relining, minimal excavation and reinstatement are required, saving homeowners money and reducing completion times in many cases to just one day. System downtime is decreased further by pipe lining repair, as resin can be hardened rapidly.

Pipe relining may seem expensive but when the cost of reinstating your property to its original condition is taken into account, it makes financial sense. Imagine the scenario where a reline is taking place under a busy road?





Imagine repairing pipe work under a major road. Let’s look at the costs:

  • Closing a road anywhere is expensive. If that situation arises when we repair your sewage pipe in Sydney, applications for council permits cost $1,750, and there’s a charge of almost $2,000 per lane, per day, per block. Pipe replacement takes longer than a pipe reline (which we often complete in a single day, depending on the size and complexity of the repair) so, permits can add up to big money.
  • Establishing a safe work zone requires further permits – we need permission from the council to erect barricades on footpaths, and that’s before we even begin to cost traffic control.
    The cost to hire two licensed traffic controllers and a ute full of specialist equipment is about $850 per day. If excavation, repair, and reinstatement take three days, essential traffic control is going to run into the thousands too. Add in the cost of labour, materials, and machinery, and things get even more expensive when compared to pipe relining rates in Sydney. It costs around $120+GST per hour to hire a small excavator and driver. If the pipe repair takes a while, it’s not going to be cheap to have that plant on site.

Reinstatement of roads and public pathways also incurs fees. Excavation is a minefield of costs and complications, and it’s one of the many reasons why pipe relining in Australia has gained traction so quickly. In cities like Sydney, prices for no-dig pipe relining are far more favourable than excavation, and it’s easy to see why that is once you begin to appreciate what’s involved with digging up urban areas.

Pipe Relining Solutions customers receive a 35-year warranty on all pipe relines in Sydney. To put that into perspective, we can do that because of the longevity and toughness built into Brawoliner products – and we can only offer a 1-year guarantee on newly installed PVC sewer or drainpipe.

The life expectancy of our pipe reline materials exceeds that guarantee by fifteen years too, with a conservative estimate of fifty years’ service. In addition to the quality of our installs, you get excellent value for money where ongoing service is concerned too – we revisit every job we complete on an annual basis to inspect its operation and check for problems.

Comparing Pipe Reline Quotes – ‘Apples with Apples’

At Pipe Relining Solutions, every time we price pipe relining jobs, we look to be as competitive as possible and provide as much value as we can. If you’ve received a comparable quote for pipe reining in Sydney, we’ll look to beat that – but, remember that not all pipe reline contractors were created equal, and ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the other company fixing the same pipe reline problem, and are they doing that to the same extent?

Repairing shorter sections of pipe or patching holes won’t last nearly as long as a proper pipe reline job.

  • What pipe reline technology and materials are they using, and are they well-trained?

There are many different pipe reline products on the market – some don’t come German-engineered or Watermarked for Australian standards and conditions.

  • What system of relining are they using: inversion pipe relining or just a ‘drag-in’ method?

How pipe reline materials get installed is just as important as the quality. Inversion method achieves a far superior adhesion to pipe walls, keeping pipes working more efficiently and for more extended periods than dragged-in liners.

  • What guarantee are they providing?
  • Is there a 35-year Warranty?

Always check the length of the warranty before you commit to any pipe relining quote.

Short-term Repair versus Long-term Sewer & Storm Water Pipe Reline Savings

Unfortunately, not all pipe reline companies in Sydney operate to the same high standards as Pipe Relining Solutions, and many of our customers receive quotes for unsuitable, partial fixes as a result. Those quotes are invariably less expensive, but it’s a great idea to give us a call when that happens because it can save you time, money, and heartache in the long run.

Our approach is to investigate your problem thoroughly and then provide you with a comprehensive, detailed and informative pipe reline quote (that will often be more expensive than that for an inferior repair). Not only are our quotes free of charge (if you fall within our service area) and obligation, but we’ll then be happy to advise on any aspects of other estimates that we know are going to cause you issues in the future too.

Taking the ‘best pipe reline price’ isn’t always everything that it seems. The fact is that opting for that partial fix because the quote is cheaper absolutely will come back to haunt you – and that often doesn’t take too long to happen. Here in Sydney, pipe relining needs to get carried out to a high standard because we’re blessed with a climate that gives us many beautiful species of trees and plants – but they can cause issues for drains and sewer pipes.

We sometimes see customers choose a partial fix, and a couple of years later roots start to invade the pipework around it – and things deteriorate rapidly from there. Tree and plant roots can be highly invasive and surprisingly destructive – they’re also very adept at finding and infiltrating water sources – including sewers and drains. That just spells more problems, and in many cases, the cost of a proper pipe reline fix will have risen, because there’s more damage. It’s far better to invest in longevity from the get-go, and if the cost is an issue, remember, Pipe Reining Solutions offers Interest-Free Finance too.

The cost of high pressure water jetting is included in the price of the relining work. We clean the sewer and stormwater lines completely by removing all debris and tree roots before commencing work to ensure the longevity of the relined section(s) of pipe work.

The cost of the CCTV inspection is included in the price of pipe relining. We have to thoroughly inspect the pipe work to ensure we are relining the correct section of damaged or broken pipe work.

What impacts the cost of pipe relining?

Relining Cost Factors

Get Your Free Quote*
  • Length of Damaged Pipe
  • Pipe Diameter
  • Pipe Accessibility
  • Number of Junctions
  • Degree of Risk
  • Council Fees
  • Home Builders Insurance
  • Out of Hours Work

Estimate Calculator

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What our customers say

Winston ChengWinston Cheng
02:14 25 Jul 24
If you are looking for an experienced plumber, who genuinely wants to resolve your plumbing issues, Matt is the person to call.
Laurie MillerLaurie Miller
23:27 24 Jul 24
Matt and his team attended my house for an initial assessment of a significant job. Within minutes Matt identified issues I was unaware of, he was open, transparent and gave options. He quoted the work thoroughly, turned up with the team when he said he would and performed the work to a standard of excellence. His experience and training give him the edge and he mentors his staff knowing it’s essential to share high quality skills and capabilities. The back of house support kept me informed constantly. Once the work was completed the house & yard were left spotless. Without any doubt I would recommend the team at Pipe Relining Solutions. Thanks again team.
Con PapadopoulosCon Papadopoulos
12:57 23 Jul 24
Matt came out quickly to unblock a drain as requested. Completed the job when others failed. Good advice on options to proceed from here. Thanks
Derek DtrainDerek Dtrain
03:09 04 Jul 24
Matt is one of the best when it comes to pipework/ plumbing/ relining issues. His technical expertise when it came to helping us with a Sydney Water Piping issue saved us months of heartache and potential plumbing issues. He also dropped everything to come to assist our problem as it was happening.
Paul NastatosPaul Nastatos
01:30 28 May 24
I am very pleased with the work that Matt and the team performed for me. On time, efficient, knowledgeable and cost effective. After care service was exceptional. Highly recommended.
Evan SCEvan SC
07:07 07 May 24
We have used this company many times. Very professional, punctual, neat and know what they are doing. Most importantly they are honest and have always given us the most cost effective solution to our problems.
Kay YEKay YE
05:38 14 Sep 23
The team of Pipe Relining Solutions has done a brilliant job! Couldn't expect more! From the initial contact, to site inspection, to job completion - all perfect! Their advice for proposed works was supported by CCTV footage, and the completion of the scope of works was also supported by CCTV footage. Excellent performance!
Lesley WoodLesley Wood
04:04 04 Sep 23
A pleasure dealing with this company. Staff members were a pleasure to deal with on the phone and during work done in my home. Value for money.
Paul WPaul W
21:49 27 Aug 23
I am on the strata committee for a 50+ year-old building in Waverton. We had issues with our main sewer line blocking up. Regular flushing of the line worked okay for a while – but we knew at some point we needed to get a relining of the main pipe. Matt came onsite to inspect the line and provided a clear report on the state of the line, the recommended actions and a competitive quote. He was friendly and professional from beginning to end. Matt and the boys have now successfully completed the job. Fred, the operations manager, was easily contactable and very helpful at every step along the way. Would recommend for any individual or strata scheme who need their pipes relined.
Dawn BurkeDawn Burke
03:09 31 Jul 23
Matan answered my call promptly and diagnosed the problem within the hour. Such a friendly guy that I booked him in for the following week. He knew what he was doing and what he was looking for. Bit of a challenging job but his old man got down the manhole and sorted out that challenge. Highly recommend this company...
James Landon-SmithJames Landon-Smith
05:45 06 Jul 23
Very professional and friendly approach from start to finish. Knowledgeable and honest business. Matt provided an informed on-site free quote. Really appreciate the effort and skill you put in to reline our clay pipe. Thanks Matt, Mark, Daniel, Mata and Fred.
Janice WJanice W
03:31 09 Mar 23
I found Matt from Pipe Relining Solutions to be professional, efficient, extremely knowledgeable and willing to go the extra mile to please and help his customer.I have no hesitation in recommending Matt and his team for anyone looking for a job well done.
10:37 10 Feb 23
I had a sewer pipe that was getting blocked with tree roots every 6 months. I 100% recommend this company for any relining jobs. They did not charge for a site inspection to provide an assessment and quote on the job. As part of the assessment they went beyond and inspect other section of the pipe and found another area that also need repairs. Fred the operational manager was friendly and polite, patiently explained the quote and process. The entire process of accepting the quote to performing the repairs went smoothly and I was always updated with the progress. The price was competitive with competitors, but their service was no.1. Will recommend them to family and friends for any relining and block drains work.
Therese GibsonTherese Gibson
03:11 17 Jan 23
Matt was highly experienced and able to locate a problem that other plumbers had given up on. Matt and Greg were very thorough, taking well over an hour investigating stormwater drains, sewer lines & tracking 70 year old plumbing. Lots of specialised equipment used and the guys even cleaned up debris on the road from pressure washing the pipes. I would highly recommend Matt & his team for complex blockages.
01:18 14 Nov 22
I find myself casting a wary eye over reviews, but Pipe Relining Solutions (PRS) really were deserving of its 5-star rating.Unlike others who I contacted to look at my pipe relining need, PRS did not charge to put a camera in the drain, did not charge a callout fee and ultimately did not separately charge to remove the tangle of fine roots blocking the drain. The plumber came, inspected, quoted one very competitive price and got on with the job just a few days later. The courtesy, presentation and professionalism of the boys - and their truck - were exemplary. And the work is guaranteed for many years to come. I doubt you'd do better.
Trung Kien LuuTrung Kien Luu
20:13 10 Nov 22
We had a tricky blocked drain issue and Matt and his son sorted us out in no time. Through out the process, they were careful to not make a mess of our laundry. Matt took his time to explain to us the long term issue and what we should do to prevent this from happening in the future. Their pricing is also competitive..top rated service!
Chan LyuChan Lyu
21:54 03 Nov 22
Excellent services with reasonable price!I had drain blockage issue in my kitchen. Two plumbers came to my house before but couldn't fix it. Mark and Dan from Pipe Relining Solutions came in the early morning and cleared the drain within one hour! They have left the kitchen area tidy and clean after finishing the jobs. Fred from Head Office is also very friendly and professional.Highly recommend Pipe Relining Solutions to everyone who was plumbing issues.
Random NinjaRandom Ninja
01:00 01 Nov 22
I had cracked boundary shaft junction relined by Pipe Relining Solutions. From the first contact with their office, Fred took time examining sewerage diagram and thoroughly explaining the procedure. Matt came for site inspection to provide quotation and again, he was so patient in answering all my questions. The works were completed yesterday as scheduled and I was provided with a video recordings of their work. Everyone at Pipe Relining Solutions was very professional and pleasant to deal with. I have no hesitation to recommend their service to any prospective customer.
23:10 03 Sep 22
I would highly recommend this Company!I just had a Drain pipe repair done below the ground level and with use of Pipe ReliningFrom the very 1st point of contact I spoke with Fred (Operations Manager) and he was a Consummate Professional! Always available, Always Providing me with Appointment time updates. I was always kept fully informed!Then the Tradesman who attended my Property (Mark) to do the works was exactly the same! Very Professional, Very Respectful and was very generous with his time and explanation of what was needed to be done. To Fred and Mark a Very Sincere Thankyou from me as a Very Happy Customer!!Highly Recommend!!Peter
catherine sailorcatherine sailor
02:28 01 Sep 22
From first contact with Fred in the office, to on-site work first by Ethan, then followed up with Mark, Bruno & Matt, I was impressed. Every person on this team is outstanding. I had concerns, not dealing with anything like this before, and as each step was carefully explained & shown to me live via a camera in the pipes, diagrams being drawn, all my anxiety was reduced. I do highly recommend this organisation for their calm professionalism and expertise in doing a great job, plus excellent cleaning up afterwards as well!
Linda LinLinda Lin
12:03 29 Jun 22
Pipe relining team is professional and responsive. They are great at problem solving. Highly recommended
Daniel PDaniel P
10:08 15 Jun 22
Matt arrived right on the time he scheduled with a polite and friendly manner. He did a thorough investigation of the problems and provided honest feedback to help come to a solution. Really helpful. Thanks
04:54 24 May 22
Matt and his team attended site to inspect a sewer for repair. He advised me that the issue was actually Sydney Waters problem to rectify. He took photos and video for free, reported the issue to Sydney Water saving me thousands in repair costs. Great and honest team!
Otte HomanOtte Homan
00:16 22 Feb 22
Excellent service and a pleasure to deal with. Reasonably priced, and the work comes with a 35 year warranty, which is probably longer than we will own the home for. Office staff was friendly and efficient, and technicians were skilled and did a good job cleaning up afterwards. The before-and-after movies are a good thing to have.
Marcus HainesMarcus Haines
21:51 24 Jan 22
Having so many 5 star ratings almost looks suspicious, but I can confirm there is a reason these guys get such a good rating. Mark who came out on time to quote the job and complete the repair and Fred in the office were both friendly and professional.All of the team on the day knew what they were doing, we're quick, efficient and they both turned up on time and completed the job when they said they would. We had an old earthenware pipe that was getting roots into it. We could have dug it up and replaced it, but that would have meant being without the only toilet for longer and the extra hassle and disruption of breaking up a concrete path and reinstating.I was sent videos of the pipe before clearing, after clearing and then after the relining. Every step and what to expect was also clearly explained. The team cleaned up everything after the work (which I've found isn't so common these days).Hopefully I won't need to fix anymore pipes soon, but if I do I would happily use them again and recommend to anyone else.
Robert MacriRobert Macri
08:03 10 Dec 21
Matt and the team at Pipe Relining Solutions are outstanding. I am a licensed builder and had sewer and storm water issues on a current job. Matt attended site promptly, his knowledge, care and skill are in a different league. He did not stop until every issue was identified, the video footage and reporting was so detailed and their costs to do proper works was more than competitive. Thank you for your professional industry leading service.
Brigid RooneyBrigid Rooney
22:45 29 Nov 21
Fred and Connor and their team of workers did a great job for us. They inspired confidence in the initial diagnosis of the problem, using a camera inspection and then sharing the evidence with us. We booked them in to carry out a relining job to resolve the issue. They were prompt, well organised, great communicators and absolutely professional every step of the way. They provided excellent video evidence of the completed job, inspiring confidence about the quality of the result. I would definitely recommend them to others and use their services again.
Tareq HafezTareq Hafez
02:30 25 Nov 21
Professional, on time and offering a great service with minimal disruption. Highly recommended.
07:37 15 Sep 21
If you are looking for a genuine, experienced, high-quality plumber with transparent advice and competitive prices then stop looking and just contact Matt and the team!We engaged Pipe Relining Solutions for lining our boundary trap. On the day of the quote Matt arrived on time, inspected our sewer, and went out of his way to fix a dripping toilet cistern after another plumber had incorrectly replaced the washer. The quote provided was prompt and very detailed. We knew exactly what we were paying for and there was no confusion or ambiguity around the work. On the day everyone turned up on time and were polite, COVID safe, and respectful. We were kept updated throughout the day and were never out of the loop. Our property was appropriately protected with lots of drop sheets (we have a terrace so everything had to be brought through the house to the backyard) and was left clean and tidy once work was completed. Throughout the day it was clear every person on site was contentious about the quality of their work and took care around our home.Among the many positive things I could say about this company, what stood out for me is that Matt and the team are so incredibly generous with their time and expertise. We had a number of issues in our property, some of which were created by another plumber, and Matt helped us correct these issues and went out of his way to set us up for some planned future works on the house. We honestly could not be happier and wish we could do more to promote this business so they are around forever and we never have to work with another plumber again!